Monday, July 23, 2012

Bringing Common Core to Life

This is a quote that I found quite interesting from David Coleman. I read this in the transcripts as I wanted to understand how the changes in the New York State standards-based system and their specific implications for teachers and instructional leaders will affect teachers...."Let me tell you the difference between teachers and standards developers. For standards developers time does not matter. Nothing is easier than with the stroke of a pen adding something that now all teachers and kids need to do. But that takes no account of what teachers are constantly conscious of, which is the actual amount of time it takes to master that and for students to practice it. And what’s happened in almost every state is an accretion of standards to the point that they’re utterly unrealistic in terms of time. All of you know what this means. This makes assessment a Russian roulette system. Since the assessment has to cover too wide a body of material into superficial matter no one can predict what will be assessed, what won’t in an in-depth way and there’s a situation of distrust." Here is a link to the webinar....