Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Changing Paradigms Ken Robinson "Paradigm Shift"

What an awesome speaker! Refreshing ideas that really led me to think. He spoke of the power of imagination and how, through the education process, that imagination is destroyed (without deliberation???). He showed results of a test given to a group of people. These highest group of divergent thinkers, thinkers who have the capacity to be creative and see multiple answers or one question,turned out to be the 3-5 year olds. Simply amazing at 98%. Sadly though, each year that they performed the test again, the percentage of divergent thinkers went down. By the age of 25 and over, only 2% were considered "genious" divergent thinkers. These are the people companies hire. Ken Robinson considers everything when trying to figure out what has transformed education, from the crisis in the natural environment to the global crisis of human resources. I love the point he makes about there being three types of people. There are the immovable, the movable and those who move. Teachers have to be able to move and initiate change in the schools. Robinson states that if you create the right conditions in our school, and value each learner, then growth will happen. AIM HIGH!!! His speech provoked me to think about all the other influences that children have. We have to treat these children as "digital natives" because they are just growing up in a different time. Incorporating and considering these changes will allow us to thrive in the education profession!!

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