Monday, July 20, 2009

Simulated Community Letter reflecting demographically changing community

New Tech Central School District

Office of the Curriculum Chair
Sally Mankoo

July 21, 2009

Re: Development of a Multicultural Curriculum

Dear Members of the Community:

On behalf of New Tech Central School District, I write to ask for your support in developing a Multicultural Curriculum in our district. Within the last two years, the minority population in our school has increased by thirty (30%) percent. These minority students are suffering as this school does not have a curriculum that can cater to their specific needs, such as bilingual education and cultural diversity. This lack of multicultural curriculum has increased the dropout rate and the ability for these students to finish high school on time.

In order to develop such a curriculum, I am proposing that all teachers in this district be (re)trained in multiculturalism. Here is the list of four approaches which can be incorporated in the multicultural curricular design to help give these students a real sense of community within their school environment:

• 1 - Contributions Approach – teachers acknowledge special calendar days
• 2 - Additive Approach – a unit or course is introduced
• 3 - Transformation Approach – the entire Eurocentric nature of the curriculum is changed
• 4 - Social Action – Students learn to view issues from multiple perspectives

Programs for the elementary and middle school will consist of cultural awareness projects, and in the high school we will initiate a “buddy” system, whereby a volunteer student will help guide a minority student and be available to answer their questions with the help of a teacher, if needed.

Students who are dealing with a language barrier will be taught in a combination of both English and their native language. If we do not recognize that this is creating a barrier, then we have failed our children. It is very important to proceed quickly with the implementation of this curriculum. The teachers can begin with the first approach immediately so that we can begin to fully integrate minority students into the learning environment. The development of this new curriculum is necessary to build an understanding among racial and cultural groups. This new understanding will foster an appreciation of different cultures and make our school an inspirational and motivating place to learn.

The proposed time-line for the development of this curriculum will be three (3) months.

I thank you for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.


Sally Mankoo

Evaluation Rubric for "Letter to the Community"
(to be submitted with the assignment) 8pts
# Criteria /Element Possible points Self-evaluation Comments
1. The correct Letter format is used throughout:
• Proper Heading, Salutation, Introduction, Body, Closing, Spacing. 2 2
2. Content:
• The writer completely and accurately explains the purpose for writing the letter;
• The writer uses a proper, professional, clear language in presenting his/her main reasons, ideas of the letter and addresses it to a definite audience;
• Any requests are made clearly and politely;
• The writer uses her/his own voice and style while maintaining the appropriate tone and topic, presenting clear ideas and illustrations how his/her plan will work. 4 4
3. Aesthetics:
• The letter is neat, presentable and professional.
• The letter is presented creatively.
• The writer uses correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 2 2
Total: 8 8

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