Sunday, March 21, 2010

How do you analyize content?

This week we discussed content analysis and our Unit Plan design. I would have never thought that there was so much to the structure of knowledge. Beginning at the bottom of the pyramid with the basic facts, the mind begins to conceptualize and then generalize about the learning that takes place. The top of the pyramid holds the highest level of metacognition where the student is able to reflect about what they have learned. Content analysis is directly related to this because content includes key facts,ideas and values. The way a student receives this information is processed through the structure of knowledge. There are different ways to break down a concept i.e. a graphic organizer or concept map. Content analysis helps classify information and align them with learning outcomes. This is extremely important when teaching because you want to make sure your students are getting the information that is in line with the standards, and hopefully a bit extra to make it challenging. I really enjoyed the Think Pair Share exercise. When it was time to share, my partner and I really uncovered the root of what Dr. S was looking for. We were able to clarify it and help each other uncover concept words. I am excited to be able to "visualize" my teaching and can't wait for that moment when it all comes together.

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