Monday, October 4, 2010

This Is What I've Been Waiting For!

I have been growing since the day I was born. I have grown as a daughter, a wife, a mother, a student and now a teacher. I have combined my strengths from all of these roles and now use them as a kind of backbone to assume the role of teacher. Besides becoming knowledgeable about all of the methods in education, I have noticed that my learning style has changed. It is no longer pen, book and paper. The world of technology brings about a new learning style that is different, yet very exciting. The options available to a 21st Century teacher seem endless at this point and I'm sure they will continue to grow. I enjoy listening to videos made by teachers around the world. The perspectives are so colorful. So, this is what I've been waiting for. I have been waiting to see how a teacher works, talks, demonstrates, models, checks for understanding, analyzes, and watches. This is the good stuff that will be embedded in my brain when I walk into my first classroom. It is my expanding knowledge of education.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sally-
    Your self-awareness will be an essential part of your teaching tools. I have noticed you are more confident in volunteering. You know how it feels to have your confidence grow as a student and you can share that with your own students someday. You are adept at using the available technology to enhance your own learning as well as providing learning opportunities for your students someday. You have a solid base knowledge of what vehicles are available to you and will easily build upon that as you continue to grow as a teacher. You also believe in the balance of using technology and using more traditional forms of learning. I will take your enthusiasm for using technology to heart and investigate some of the sites you've posted here.
