Monday, February 8, 2010

Cognitivism + Humanism = Sally

In taking the Educational Philosophies Self-Assessment I found that my philosophical preferences lie in both Cognitivism/Constructivism and Humanism, with Progressivism coming in close behind. This doesn't surprise me because I always want people to do the best they can. In the process of trying and exploring, a pedagogical experience occurs.

2 1/2 years ago a tragic event happened in my life....I could have chosen to take the easy way out and give up, but I am striving to reach my goal successfully. I can apply my experience to teaching because I want to see others succeed as well. I agree that people have a natural tendency to learn and if you encourage it and give them the right conditions to grow, the learning process will bloom. It's what you as a teacher make of the classroom. If students are getting a good "vibe" from you, I think it encourages them.

Every day is an experience and we learn to create, understand, and perceive through these experiences. I believe that one of the biggest roles of a teacher is to support the student.

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