Wednesday, July 7, 2010

NET-S - Well Implemented??? LET-S See

In reviewing the NET-S, class readings, and my knowledge of how the curriculum is implemented in schools, I would say that a very small percentage of each ISTE Standard is being implemented. Like the 21st century learner video revealed, only 14% of the teachers allow the students to create something new with technology, and 76% of teachers have NEVER used wikis, podcasts, or blogs.

I feel that I am ready to try to meet those standards. It will be hard at first to see what works, but through experimentation and results, I think that what I introduce to my students will be based on innovation and creativity. I think it is important to have the student learn by actually performing the task. Students who discuss and collaborate teach each other, as well as finely tune their own understandings.

Throughout my personal experiences here at MSMC, I have seen the shift toward peer collaboration. When you are asked to reflect on your learning, you have to "dig deep," and discover things that maybe you didn't realize about your learning process or how such experiences have shaped your learning.

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