Friday, July 2, 2010

WebEx Experience

My WebEx experience was similar to that of the Elluminate Live on-line class. It was exciting to see everyone come together and collaborate. There are about 28 people in the class so it took quite a bit of time to iron out all the technological problems that we experienced. The first meeting of our group - Generation Text - went okay. We made our way to Google Docs to finish up and we produced a beautiful business card which incorporated our photos and images which reflect a world that is brought together through technology.

At this WebEx class, we were able to get our questions answered and also learn about netiquette. It can be difficult to go from speaking on the telephone, texting, and then being in the same online "room" with your peers and professor. It is important to keep in mind who is where, and what type of technology you are using so that you are sure to use the appropriate etiquette.

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